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Puppy Training

The first eight to sixteen weeks of your puppy's life are crucial.  Let us help you pave the way to success with one of our puppy class options. 

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Irrespective of your current level of expertise, this advanced puppy training class is ideally suited for individuals and puppies of all backgrounds. "Puppy Basics & Beyond" serves as the foundational class for therapy, service, competition obedience, or simply to develop a well-trained and well-behaved canine family member. Our trainers are dedicated to guiding you towards success, ensuring that your puppy achieves its full potential.


Puppies will: 


  • Learn to manage stressors and maintain focus on you.

  • Learn to walk on a leash and come when called.

  • Practice commands using distance, distractions, and duration.

  • Be introduced to puppy agility equipment and obstacles.


Humans will: 


  • Addresses behavioral issues such as jumping, barking, and biting.

  • Learn about puppy care, house training, and crate training techniques.


Age Requirements: Puppies must be between 10 weeks and 1 year old to register for the class.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I miss a class?


You are allowed one (1) makeup class that can be scheduled via email.

Can I bring my family?


Yes, as long as they are at least 7 years old. 

What is the cost of classes?


A full course (6 group classes) costs $210. Classes are 50 minutes long.

How long is this class? Can I start on a different date than listed?


Puppy Basics & Beyond, Puppy Explorer, and AKC S.T.A.R .Puppy are 6 week courses and you must begin class on the date it is scheduled to begin.

Puppies aged 8-9 weeks are NOT allowed to join group classes. Private training options are available.


If your puppy is too young for group classes, please look into our Private Training option.

Puppies aged 10-16 weeks MUST have their first round of the DHPP vaccination process but are NOT expected to have their Rabies vaccination nor to have completed the DHPP vaccination process.

Dogs aged 16 weeks and older MUST have completed their DHPP and Rabies vaccinations. Bordetella and K9 Influenza vaccines are not required for classes but are recommended.

Vaccination Policy

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