Agility Classes

Improve your bond with your dog through fast-paced obstacle courses that challenge both body and mind.

  • Beginner Agility 101

    For dogs that are not used to agility equipment, have anxiety or shy. Goal to work off leash at a distance on equipment. Class build confidence, focus and teamwork. Dogs go at a slower pace, until comfortable with equipment.

    All dogs start off behind fences.

  • Agility 101

    Training to mentally and physically challenge your dog. Understands and performs complex commands off leash with distractions. Equipment and obstacles are used to build confidence, focus, body awareness. A conditioning workout class for your dog. This class is perfect for dogs that have worked on equipment or excessive energy.

    All dogs start off behind fences.

  • Senior Agility 101

    Giving older dogs a fun healthier life. Equipment and obstacles are set for the older dog to enjoy the course. Class helps keep older dogs agile. Dogs work at their own pace.

    All dogs start off behind fences

  • F.O.O.D

    Focus, Obedience, Obstacle, Drive. Obedience is not done by using the power to restrain, force or control. The obedience we teach is how to achieve that willingness to work for their handler. Training is done by using the intelligence of the dog. In order to train a dog for obedience you will first need to understand what is the meaning of obedience. Obedience is working as a team between the handler and the dog, achieved through trust. In order to achieve this goal, you will have to know your dog, understand what drives your dogs. Is your dog a soft or hard dog, what are your dog's triggers?

Schedule for Agility Classes

To create an account and register for class, click here.

Schedule for Agility Classes