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After registering for class on the ProPet portal, please pay for your class via the PayPal link below or pay in person on the first day of class.

Puppy, Obedience, Agility 101 / Obedience, Specialty, AKC, or Therapy Dog Classes
6 Group Sessions

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Service Dog Classes
6 Group Sessions

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Behavior Modification Classes
6 Group Sessions

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Private Training (Non-Aggressive Dogs)
4 Private Sessions

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Private Training (Aggressive Dogs)
4 Private Sessions

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Private Training Evaluation
30 Minute Assessment


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Therapy Dog Evaluation
Completed During Therapy Dog Class


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Service Dog Evaluation
A letter from a health care professional stating the need for a service dog is required prior to evaluation.

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AKC Certification / Testing
Completed During AKC Classes


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